Patient Therapies LLC
Become a VEGAN Expert!
Week 4 Topics:
Share your VEGAN goal for next month
Complete this sentence: "Being VEGAN is like..."
Your thoughts on Leather
What 1 Thing will you change about your lifestyle?
Supplement Plans
Favorite moment of this webinar
Power Bowls
☀️ Learn to make this 5-minute meal
☀️ Surprisingly easy
☀️ Keeps your nutrient intake high!
☀️ Gives you staying power
4️⃣ Truth in labeling
Just because it's on the label...
Learn to look for symbols that show a product has been certified by the proper organization.
Common terms that confuse and mislead
The shift to transparency in labeling laws.
Beyond Diet Clean-up 🗝
Eating Disorders
Bad Bargains
The P.C. Cover Story
Meal Prep Pro 🗝
Below is another video on communication.
🗝 Why Your 7 Jobs Matter
Kitchen Compromise
Shared space
Let your actions speak louder than your words.
Costs/ Shopping/ Storage/ Etiquette